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12 Loaves of Christmas

This Christmas season, we've curated a collection of our 12 favorite breads, every loaf is a celebration and every slice tells a story of holiday cheer!

🎁 Double Butter Pumpkin Bread   🎄Blackberry Lemon Zest 🍀 Irish Brown Soda Bread   ❄️ Pumpkin Espresso Chocolate Chip 🎉 Hardywood Gingerbread Stout   🍀 Guinness & Pumpkin Spice Cake
🎁 Hummingbird Cake   🎄Irish Guinness Treacle Bread   🍀 Classic Carrot Cake
🎉 Raspberry Lime Rickey   🎁 Jaffa Cake   🎄Irish Guinness Gingerbread

*For our Gluten Free and Vegan options click here

Blackberry Lemon Zest Cake

Blackberry Lemon Zest Cake

Traditional Irish Brown Soda Bread

Traditional Irish Brown Soda Bread

Traditional Irish Guinness Treacle Bread

Traditional Irish Guinness Treacle Bread

Classic Carrot Cake

Classic Carrot Cake

The Jaffa Cake

The Jaffa Cake

Traditional Irish Guinness Gingerbread

Traditional Irish Guinness Gingerbread

Hunter's Autumn Spice Loaf

Hunter's Autumn Spice Loaf

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Granny's Own Soda Bread

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Granny's Own Soda Bread