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Celebration Boxes: Vegan & Gluten Free

Go raibh maith agat and sásta siopadóireacht!
(Thank you & Happy Shopping!)

Our celebration boxes are the perfect gift for any occasion! Craft your own taste of Ireland by selecting from our curated packages below. Our build-a-box packages empower curious foodies to select from a variety of baked goods including Traditional Irish Soda Breads, Buttermilk Scones, The Waterford Blaa (300 year old recipe!!), Traditional Irish Guinness Gingerbread or Classic Zucchini Bread — one of our personal favorites. Each box includes an Irish chocolate bar, a box of Irish Tea, and a personalized message. Order today, after all...... the fastest way to the heart is through the tummy!

Holiday Season Gift Card

Holiday Season Gift Card

Irish Treasure Box - Vegan

Irish Treasure Box - Vegan

Irish Treasure Box - Gluten Free

Irish Treasure Box - Gluten Free